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Home: Welcome

Saskatoon Sunseeker Good Sam Club at a Glance

Here at Saskatoon Sunseeker Good Sam Club, we know that sometimes all it takes to make a good RVing experience great is to share it with friends. Since our founding in 1999, we have been determined to learn more about our surrounding area and create new friendships in the process. The core of our efforts is to keep everyone in the club involved. Through all of our endeavors we hope to display the conviction behind our beliefs.

Home: Who We Are


Making friends as we grow

Saturday Breakfasts

Strengthening our friendships

Every Saturday morning, unless we are all away RVing or holidaying, we meet at a local Saskatoon restaurant for breakfast and fellowship. Sitting with someone new each week allows us to get to know each other better. Stories are told and some are even true.

Campouts and Caravans

Making RVing fun

Our club organizes its own campouts and caravans to meet the needs of our members. The campouts are often a short distance from Saskatoon allowing us to get there fast and enjoy learning about our local area. Members volunteer to act as hosts for these events providing activities and meals that we all appreciate. The caravan is an extended trip giving our members new insights into territories further afield, such as other provinces or the U.S..

Home: What We Do

The group changes over time, but many friendships last forever.

Home: Quote

Contact Saskatoon Sunseeker Good Sam Club

David & Barb Kossick

426 Ball Way

Saskatoon, SK., S7K 6E7

Phone: 306-242-1689

Dave: 306-229-5386

Barb: 306-380-7155

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Upcoming Events

Home: Events
Home: Contact


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